Your Discipleship Coach

Addressing Today's Confusion from the Word of God-Episode 15-Let There be Lights!

Lori Joiner Ministries Season 3 Episode 15

In this week's episode, Lori discusses Genesis 1:14-19. She explains the three lights God created and shares fun and interesting facts about each. She will also emphasize always looking to God for wisdom, help, and direction instead of stars, horoscopes, and astrologers. 

Lori Joiner is a speaker, author, and discipleship coach. She is the author of Discipling Women, Start Here 6 Foundational Lessons for Growth in Christ, Next Steps 7 Foundational Lessons for Growth in Christ, The Discipleship Starter Kit, and her newest book, Raising Children Unto the Lord. 

She traveled nationally and internationally as a full-time missionary with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for 23 years, gaining extensive experience in cross-cultural ministry, evangelism, discipleship, and directing women’s ministries. She has lived overseas, undercover, sharing the love of Jesus in several countries. 

Lori founded and directed the Faith House, a discipleship home for college-aged women in Waco, Texas. She founded Lori Joiner Ministries, which serves the global body of Christ with discipleship resources, publications, and ongoing coaching and consulting of discipleship ministries. 

Lori’s podcast, Your Discipleship Coach, is on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Lori has traveled extensively, teaching on a wide variety of topics, and currently makes her home in Katy, TX, with her husband Alan and two teenage sons. 

To have Lori speak at your next event, to see a full list of her retreats and resources, or to donate to her ministry, please visit:

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